District 4 Councilwoman Elected for New Role in National League of Cities

SAN ANTONIO (November 18, 2022) – District 4 Councilwoman Dr. Adriana Rocha Garcia was elected the 2025 president in a three-year leadership commitment that starts with second vice president position in 2023 for the Women in Municipal Government (WIMG) caucus of the National League of Cities (NLC). The District 4 Councilwoman was elected by peers across the country on November 17 during NLC’s City Summit in Kansas City, MO.

One of NLC's five constituency groups, WIMG brings together female municipal leaders to network and share best practices. Women in Municipal Government (WIMG) is a caucus within NLC that serves as forum for communication and networking among women local elected officials and their colleagues.

“I’m thrilled to lead the WIMG caucus next year with a focus on advancing opportunities for women in the private and public sector,” commented the District 4 Councilwoman, “Women continue to be underrepresented in policymaking and so long as gender gaps exist, we need to be intentional about removing barriers that impede women from pursuing leadership roles.”

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