SAHCC’s Top State Legislative Victories for the Military, Veterans, and Their Families

Before the 87th State Legislative Session, SAHCC outlined as a part of our priorities a commitment to supporting legislation which assists veterans, active service members, and military spouses in the transition to civilian life and workforce. Six bills that will strengthen our military community and their families were passed this legislative session due in part to the advocacy efforts the SAHCC made in support of HB 33, HB 2365, SB 337, HB 139, SB 780, and SB 1441.

HB 33:

House Bill 33 pertains to actions enabling the award of postsecondary course credits leading to workforce credentials based on military experience, education, and training. Such legislation ensures that programs of study from colleges or industry-based certification schools provide workforce credentials to help identify programs or courses in which skills are obtained through military experiences, education, and training. House Bill 33 applies to any official military record presented to the institution that describes the substance of training completed by the student and confirms the successful completion of their training. In addition, the student's training must apply to the course they seek credit for and must be listed in the institution's course catalog.

Such publications shall be posted on their website, giving details of relevant studies that identify and align with the student's military experience, education, or training. Authored by Representative Dominguez, HB 33 was signed by Governor Abbot on June 15th, 2021, and will take effect on September 1st, 2021.

HB 2365:

The passage of House Bill 2365 recognizes Brooke Army Medical Center as a Medicaid provider. Being a tier 1 military treatment facility, BAMC plays a vital role in providing healthcare services to military service members and civilians. Not only is BAMC helping to save lives on the frontline they are also helping to save lives in the community. In addition, the bill establishes financial relief for civilian trauma patients who are treated at Brook Army Medical Center and are covered by Medicaid. Thus, ensuing those civilian patients who are being treated at BAMC are not being subdued with unwarranted debt. HB 2365 was authored by Representative Ray Lopez, sponsored by Senator Donna Campbell, and was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott.

SB 337:

SB 337 introduced the allocation of grants by the Texas Workforce Commission to accelerate the participation of specific veterans and military personnel in apprenticeship training programs. A commission will develop and administer a program in which they may award grants to one or more nonprofit organizations that will oversee the participation in the apprenticeship training programs for veterans and active-duty service members transitioning into civilian employment. Senate Bill 337 was authored by Senator Beverly Powell and was signed by Governor Gregg Abbott on May 30th, 2021 and will take effect on September 1st, 2021.

HB 139:

HB 139 will help streamline the licensing and certification process for veterans and military spouses by doing the following: providing exceptions to certification requirements; assisting in simplifying and shortening the process for transferring an occupational license or certification; and rewarding credit towards certification requirements for educational, clinical, and professional experience. House Bill 139 was authored by Representatives Buckley, Wilson, Slawson, Bowers, and Goldman and was signed into law on May 18, 2021; it will be effective beginning September 1, 2021.

SB 780:

SB 780 amends current law to allow local governments to “enter into an intergovernmental support agreement with a branch of the U.S. armed forces under the federal National Defense Authorization Act to provide installation‑support services to a military installation located in Texas.” Senate Bill 780 was authored by Senator Hinojosa and was signed into law on and has been effective since May 24, 2021. SAHCC dropped a card in support of SB 780.

SB 1441:

SB 1441 permits a partnership between SAWS and the military which would produce water more efficiently on military bases. A military base may reduce its withdrawal of water from the Edwards Aquifer and authorize SAWS to supply an equal amount of water “without reducing their capped permit amount.” Senate Bill 1441 was authored by Senator Campbell and was signed into law on June 18, 2021; it will be effective on September 1, 2021.

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